A few years ago a very dear friend passed away. She wasn't up for having young children under foot and I never seemed to find the time or a babysitter. I regret not making more time with her. Sister Weaver, a Pastor's wife, was one of the very best of God's southern ladies. She didn't agree with me becoming Catholic, but unlike so many, she didn't distance herself. In my pain from what felt like a mass Exodus in my life she never once stopped loving me, just as I was, just where I was. In time she actually gifted me with not one, but two of my favorite Christian images. Whenever I look at them I remember her and the love she had for everyone. When I showed up the first time to Prattville First Assembly of God wearing all black, a band t-shirt, horrible makeup, and all things heavy metal, she was the only one that welcomed me openly, holding and patting my hand, telling me how glad she was to have me there.....and she meant it. I thought she was nuts, sweet for sure, but nuts. After a few years of attending (not by choice in those early days), she was the one I relied on when it came to what a Christian woman was to be like. She always backed her reasons with scripture and always stressed the importance of reading the Bible, prayer, and memorizing scripture. She actually lived her faith, not just at Church, but every day and in everything she did. The Bible says we are to learn from our elders, now that I am grown and no longer young I can only hope that I will attain her level of grace. When she passed and her family had gone through the pain of going through her things, Mama Higgins, her spiritual daughter, and one of the ladies who prayed me into Church asked for the bag of old recipes written on the backs of pieces of paper, napkins, old receipts and index cards. She knew how much I loved to cook and she thought I might like them to remember her by. She was right. I have finally gotten around to actually cooking some of them, and they are bringing back memories of the days I spent smoking behind the church, wearing the most obnoxious outfits I could, and just being a teenage pest trying to shock the little ol' southern ladies of Prattville First Assembly of God. (btw I don't recommend it, they are tough. They WILL smile (smirk?) and nod to each other, right in front of you, when they see your kids acting just like you. You might outlive them and your kids may never know what you were like, but you won't be allowed to eeeever forget....bless your heart.). God love the little ol' southern Christian ladies of the world. They are a rare gift indeed.
These recipes are very much the types of things you'd find on any given Sunday afternoon during a church potluck from my youth. I have found some scribbled on receipts that dated to the 70's and 80's. Much of the scrap paper is yellowed with age and the pencil faded and hard to read making me believe they are possibly even older. I will do my best to recreate them here with a picture of the actual recipe and what I managed to do with it, good or bad. Where a name is given I'll be sure to give credit. The recipe will be posted as written with notes on anything I may have done that wasn't specified in the original. Please forgive the poor quality of the photos as things are tight and I'm having to use an older camera. I hope you enjoy this recipe and the ones that follow it as much as I do and will have recreating them. God Bless.
(No name)
Crust 2 sticks butter
2 cups plain flour
1 cup chopped pecans
Melt butter mix in flour & pecans. Press into 10x14 Pan Bake at 300 until brown around edges. let Cool.
Pie Filling
8 oz. Cream Cheese
1 lb. Confectioners Sugar
Mix till smooth & creamie.
Stir in 1 large Cool Whip
Put on the cool crust and then Add 1 can of Blue berry pie Filling on Top
1. I didn't have a 10x14. I only have a smaller pan, so I used what I had. The crust still came out thin enough to not be an issue.
2. I did have more than enough filling left. (They will be used to dip strawberries in tomorrow during the kids' snack.)
3. I also didn't use the large tub of Cool Whip. I only used half of it as I don't remember seeing tubs quite as large as the large ones these days. (I could easily be wrong, but it seemed too much.)
4. Things I might do differently next time are adding a splash of vanilla to the cream cheese and Cool Whip layer and to chill it before serving.